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We use Fingerprint U.Are.U 4500 Scanner in this Medical Record Application is a custom application that is very suitable for medical record activities in various health clinics.
This application was also developed to be able to use fingerprints as patients identity by using fingerprint scanner U.Are.U 4500 fingerprint scanner. We've created this application by using several programming tools, ie. Delphi 7, Visual Basic .NET, U.Are.U 4500 SDK, and database SQL Server Express Edition.
This is an integrated application that combined both medical record app and fingerprint app. The fingerprint app has own database that will lookup to medical record database and vice versa. I created the fingerprint app with VB .NET and Digital Persona SDK/API. Medical Record App developed by Delphi 7, and will call Fingerprint App by providing some parameters.
The Fingerprint App can be ran as a standalone app and can be also customized for any other purposes.
This application can also save images of LAB/USG results per patient per examination. The image will be automatically saved and can be viewed from the medical record.
Equipped with complete reports, and also equipped with reports in graphic form.
Here are some views of this medical record application.
In this Video we will see how the registration & verification processes work using fingerprint scanner U.ARE.U 4500 scanner. Registration a fingerprint just take some seconds, and the result can be verified quickly too.
Proses instalasi Aplikasi Rekam Medis terdiri beberapa tahap, yaitu
Instalasi database engine - SQL Server Express Edition
Restore database
Instalasi Aplikasi Rekam Medis
Let's get starting...
1. Instalasi Database Server - SQL Server Express Edition
Rekam Medis ini menggunakan database sebagai media penyimpan data.
Adapun database engine yang digunakan adalah Microsoft SQL Server
Express Edition (freeware version).
Pada sesi ini kita menggunakan versi MS SQL Server 10.50.4000.0 Express Edition - bisa di download di link ini dengan memilih versi 32/64 bit.
Setelah file berhasil di download, jalankan file tersebut dengan double click di file tsb. dan
ikuti step-step dibawah ini (pilihan & isian harus sesuai gambar).
Untuk memperjelas dalam melihat gambar, klik gambar sehingga akan tampil
dalam bentuk gallery yang bisa di pilih/scroll dengan mudah.
If you have been seen the last images, it means the installation completed successfully.